Forum rules
The MeOverPD Forum is a place where you should feel comfortable asking questions about PD, giving support to others in their PD journey, and sharing tips from your experience. Remember that everyone likely has a variety of symptoms, diagnoses, side effects, treatments, as well as emotional responses to their PD journey.
As a ‘snowflake’ condition, what works and is appropriate for you/some people may or may not work or be appropriate for others. No information given should be construed as medical, health and/or legal advice. The information you share should be based upon your first-hand experience only.
Although some MeOverPD website content is available without registration, you must be a Member and 18 years of age, to post in the Forum. Go to the Member page to join. Note that personal information will not be revealed.
In your posts, please be kind, courteous, and respectful.
We encourage a healthy discussion, and it should be without bullying, offensive or hate speech, profanities, vulgarities, or degrading comments. Please do not solicit, advertise, sell, spam or fund-raise here.
Your posts should be in English and should not contain anything (viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc.) that will damage or interfere with any computer system or information on that system.
Being part of this group requires mutual trust. We will never use the information that you provide for any other purpose beyond joining this website. We reserve the right to refuse to display or to remove any content posted by Members for any reason that we deem unfit for the website.
Please help us maintain that two-way trust.